drivers/net/ethernet/cortina/gemini.c:867: warning: No description found for return value of 'geth_fill_freeq'
drivers/net/ethernet/cortina/gemini.c:1035: warning: No description found for return value of 'geth_resize_freeq'
drivers/net/ethernet/cortina/gemini.c:1672: warning: No description found for return value of 'gmac_get_intr_flags'
include/linux/netdevice.h:611: warning: No description found for return value of 'napi_if_scheduled_mark_missed'
include/linux/netdevice.h:2656: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_priv'
include/linux/netdevice.h:3484: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_queue_stopped'
include/linux/netdevice.h:3733: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_cap_txqueue'
include/linux/netdevice.h:3751: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_running'
include/linux/netdevice.h:3798: warning: No description found for return value of '__netif_subqueue_stopped'
include/linux/netdevice.h:3813: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_subqueue_stopped'
include/linux/netdevice.h:3848: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_attr_test_mask'
include/linux/netdevice.h:3945: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_is_multiqueue'
include/linux/netdevice.h:4293: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_carrier_ok'
include/linux/netdevice.h:4342: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_dormant'
include/linux/netdevice.h:4382: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_testing'
include/linux/netdevice.h:4394: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_oper_up'
include/linux/netdevice.h:4408: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_device_present'
include/linux/netdevice.h:4760: warning: No description found for return value of '__dev_uc_sync'
include/linux/netdevice.h:4804: warning: No description found for return value of '__dev_mc_sync'
net/core/dev.c:673: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_get_iflink'
net/core/dev.c:691: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_fill_metadata_dst'
net/core/dev.c:770: warning: No description found for return value of '__dev_get_by_name'
net/core/dev.c:791: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_get_by_name_rcu'
net/core/dev.c:827: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_get_by_name'
net/core/dev.c:849: warning: No description found for return value of '__dev_get_by_index'
net/core/dev.c:873: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_get_by_index_rcu'
net/core/dev.c:912: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_get_by_index'
net/core/dev.c:933: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_get_by_napi_id'
net/core/dev.c:966: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_get_name'
net/core/dev.c:1002: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_getbyhwaddr_rcu'
net/core/dev.c:1043: warning: No description found for return value of '__dev_get_by_flags'
net/core/dev.c:1068: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_valid_name'
net/core/dev.c:1101: warning: No description found for return value of '__dev_alloc_name'
net/core/dev.c:1190: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_alloc_name'
net/core/dev.c:1213: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_change_name'
net/core/dev.c:1302: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_set_alias'
net/core/dev.c:1339: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_get_alias'
net/core/dev.c:1507: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_open'
net/core/dev.c:1767: warning: No description found for return value of 'register_netdevice_notifier'
net/core/dev.c:1814: warning: No description found for return value of 'unregister_netdevice_notifier'
net/core/dev.c:1887: warning: No description found for return value of 'register_netdevice_notifier_net'
net/core/dev.c:1915: warning: No description found for return value of 'unregister_netdevice_notifier_net'
net/core/dev.c:1984: warning: No description found for return value of 'call_netdevice_notifiers_info'
net/core/dev.c:2017: warning: No description found for return value of 'call_netdevice_notifiers_info_robust'
net/core/dev.c:2048: warning: No description found for return value of 'call_netdevice_notifiers'
net/core/dev.c:2064: warning: No description found for return value of 'call_netdevice_notifiers_mtu'
net/core/dev.c:2223: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_forward_skb'
net/core/dev.c:2280: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_nit_active'
net/core/dev.c:2986: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_set_real_num_rx_queues'
net/core/dev.c:3018: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_set_real_num_queues'
net/core/dev.c:3106: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_get_num_default_rss_queues'
net/core/dev.c:3944: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_loopback_xmit'
net/core/dev.c:4721: warning: No description found for return value of 'rps_may_expire_flow'
net/core/dev.c:5218: warning: No description found for return value of '__netif_rx'
net/core/dev.c:5250: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_rx'
net/core/dev.c:5365: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_is_rx_handler_busy'
net/core/dev.c:5388: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_rx_handler_register'
net/core/dev.c:5696: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_receive_skb_core'
net/core/dev.c:5928: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_receive_skb'
net/core/dev.c:6184: warning: No description found for return value of 'napi_schedule_prep'
net/core/dev.c:7156: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_has_upper_dev'
net/core/dev.c:7180: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_has_upper_dev_all_rcu'
net/core/dev.c:7198: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_has_any_upper_dev'
net/core/dev.c:7213: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_master_upper_dev_get'
net/core/dev.c:7253: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_has_any_lower_dev'
net/core/dev.c:7279: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_upper_get_next_dev_rcu'
net/core/dev.c:7452: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_lower_get_next_private'
net/core/dev.c:7478: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_lower_get_next_private_rcu'
net/core/dev.c:7506: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_lower_get_next'
net/core/dev.c:7794: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_lower_get_first_private_rcu'
net/core/dev.c:7813: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_master_upper_dev_get_rcu'
net/core/dev.c:8094: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_upper_dev_link'
net/core/dev.c:8123: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_master_upper_dev_link'
net/core/dev.c:8552: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_get_xmit_slave'
net/core/dev.c:8581: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_sk_get_lowest_dev'
net/core/dev.c:8775: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_set_promiscuity'
net/core/dev.c:8837: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_set_allmulti'
net/core/dev.c:8890: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_get_flags'
net/core/dev.c:9020: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_change_flags'
net/core/dev.c:9073: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_set_mtu_ext'
net/core/dev.c:9129: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_change_tx_queue_len'
net/core/dev.c:9173: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_pre_changeaddr_notify'
net/core/dev.c:9196: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_set_mac_address'
net/core/dev.c:9271: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_change_carrier'
net/core/dev.c:9290: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_get_phys_port_id'
net/core/dev.c:9308: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_get_phys_port_name'
net/core/dev.c:9331: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_get_port_parent_id'
net/core/dev.c:9369: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_port_same_parent_id'
net/core/dev.c:9388: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_change_proto_down'
net/core/dev.c:9923: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_change_xdp_fd'
net/core/dev.c:10492: warning: No description found for return value of 'register_netdevice'
net/core/dev.c:10734: warning: No description found for return value of 'register_netdev'
net/core/dev.c:10780: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_wait_allrefs_any'
net/core/dev.c:11050: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_get_stats'
net/core/dev.c:11197: warning: No description found for return value of 'alloc_netdev_mqs'
net/core/dev.c:11640: warning: No description found for return value of '__dev_change_net_namespace'
net/core/dev.c:11864: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_increment_features'
net/core/dev.c:11928: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_drivername'
drivers/net/ethernet/cortina/gemini.c:868: warning: No description found for return value of 'geth_fill_freeq'
drivers/net/ethernet/cortina/gemini.c:1036: warning: No description found for return value of 'geth_resize_freeq'
drivers/net/ethernet/cortina/gemini.c:1673: warning: No description found for return value of 'gmac_get_intr_flags'
include/linux/netdevice.h:624: warning: No description found for return value of 'napi_if_scheduled_mark_missed'
include/linux/netdevice.h:2669: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_priv'
include/linux/netdevice.h:3497: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_queue_stopped'
include/linux/netdevice.h:3746: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_cap_txqueue'
include/linux/netdevice.h:3764: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_running'
include/linux/netdevice.h:3811: warning: No description found for return value of '__netif_subqueue_stopped'
include/linux/netdevice.h:3826: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_subqueue_stopped'
include/linux/netdevice.h:3861: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_attr_test_mask'
include/linux/netdevice.h:3958: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_is_multiqueue'
include/linux/netdevice.h:4312: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_carrier_ok'
include/linux/netdevice.h:4361: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_dormant'
include/linux/netdevice.h:4401: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_testing'
include/linux/netdevice.h:4413: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_oper_up'
include/linux/netdevice.h:4427: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_device_present'
include/linux/netdevice.h:4779: warning: No description found for return value of '__dev_uc_sync'
include/linux/netdevice.h:4823: warning: No description found for return value of '__dev_mc_sync'
net/core/dev.c:673: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_get_iflink'
net/core/dev.c:691: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_fill_metadata_dst'
net/core/dev.c:770: warning: No description found for return value of '__dev_get_by_name'
net/core/dev.c:791: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_get_by_name_rcu'
net/core/dev.c:827: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_get_by_name'
net/core/dev.c:849: warning: No description found for return value of '__dev_get_by_index'
net/core/dev.c:873: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_get_by_index_rcu'
net/core/dev.c:912: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_get_by_index'
net/core/dev.c:933: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_get_by_napi_id'
net/core/dev.c:966: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_get_name'
net/core/dev.c:1002: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_getbyhwaddr_rcu'
net/core/dev.c:1043: warning: No description found for return value of '__dev_get_by_flags'
net/core/dev.c:1068: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_valid_name'
net/core/dev.c:1101: warning: No description found for return value of '__dev_alloc_name'
net/core/dev.c:1190: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_alloc_name'
net/core/dev.c:1213: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_change_name'
net/core/dev.c:1302: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_set_alias'
net/core/dev.c:1339: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_get_alias'
net/core/dev.c:1507: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_open'
net/core/dev.c:1767: warning: No description found for return value of 'register_netdevice_notifier'
net/core/dev.c:1814: warning: No description found for return value of 'unregister_netdevice_notifier'
net/core/dev.c:1887: warning: No description found for return value of 'register_netdevice_notifier_net'
net/core/dev.c:1915: warning: No description found for return value of 'unregister_netdevice_notifier_net'
net/core/dev.c:1984: warning: No description found for return value of 'call_netdevice_notifiers_info'
net/core/dev.c:2017: warning: No description found for return value of 'call_netdevice_notifiers_info_robust'
net/core/dev.c:2048: warning: No description found for return value of 'call_netdevice_notifiers'
net/core/dev.c:2064: warning: No description found for return value of 'call_netdevice_notifiers_mtu'
net/core/dev.c:2223: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_forward_skb'
net/core/dev.c:2280: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_nit_active'
net/core/dev.c:2986: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_set_real_num_rx_queues'
net/core/dev.c:3018: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_set_real_num_queues'
net/core/dev.c:3106: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_get_num_default_rss_queues'
net/core/dev.c:3944: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_loopback_xmit'
net/core/dev.c:4721: warning: No description found for return value of 'rps_may_expire_flow'
net/core/dev.c:5218: warning: No description found for return value of '__netif_rx'
net/core/dev.c:5250: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_rx'
net/core/dev.c:5365: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_is_rx_handler_busy'
net/core/dev.c:5388: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_rx_handler_register'
net/core/dev.c:5696: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_receive_skb_core'
net/core/dev.c:5928: warning: No description found for return value of 'netif_receive_skb'
net/core/dev.c:6184: warning: No description found for return value of 'napi_schedule_prep'
net/core/dev.c:7148: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_has_upper_dev'
net/core/dev.c:7172: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_has_upper_dev_all_rcu'
net/core/dev.c:7190: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_has_any_upper_dev'
net/core/dev.c:7205: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_master_upper_dev_get'
net/core/dev.c:7245: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_has_any_lower_dev'
net/core/dev.c:7271: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_upper_get_next_dev_rcu'
net/core/dev.c:7444: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_lower_get_next_private'
net/core/dev.c:7470: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_lower_get_next_private_rcu'
net/core/dev.c:7498: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_lower_get_next'
net/core/dev.c:7786: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_lower_get_first_private_rcu'
net/core/dev.c:7805: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_master_upper_dev_get_rcu'
net/core/dev.c:8086: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_upper_dev_link'
net/core/dev.c:8115: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_master_upper_dev_link'
net/core/dev.c:8544: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_get_xmit_slave'
net/core/dev.c:8573: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_sk_get_lowest_dev'
net/core/dev.c:8767: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_set_promiscuity'
net/core/dev.c:8829: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_set_allmulti'
net/core/dev.c:8882: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_get_flags'
net/core/dev.c:9012: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_change_flags'
net/core/dev.c:9065: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_set_mtu_ext'
net/core/dev.c:9121: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_change_tx_queue_len'
net/core/dev.c:9165: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_pre_changeaddr_notify'
net/core/dev.c:9188: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_set_mac_address'
net/core/dev.c:9263: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_change_carrier'
net/core/dev.c:9282: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_get_phys_port_id'
net/core/dev.c:9300: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_get_phys_port_name'
net/core/dev.c:9323: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_get_port_parent_id'
net/core/dev.c:9361: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_port_same_parent_id'
net/core/dev.c:9380: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_change_proto_down'
net/core/dev.c:9915: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_change_xdp_fd'
net/core/dev.c:10484: warning: No description found for return value of 'register_netdevice'
net/core/dev.c:10726: warning: No description found for return value of 'register_netdev'
net/core/dev.c:10772: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_wait_allrefs_any'
net/core/dev.c:11042: warning: No description found for return value of 'dev_get_stats'
net/core/dev.c:11189: warning: No description found for return value of 'alloc_netdev_mqs'
net/core/dev.c:11632: warning: No description found for return value of '__dev_change_net_namespace'
net/core/dev.c:11856: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_increment_features'
net/core/dev.c:11920: warning: No description found for return value of 'netdev_drivername'