Error: Cannot open file net/homa/homa_rpc.c
Error: Cannot open file net/homa/homa_rpc.h
net/homa/homa_rpc.h:147: warning: Function parameter or struct member 'bpage_offsets' not described in 'homa_message_in'
net/homa/homa_rpc.h:351: warning: Function parameter or struct member 'bucket' not described in 'homa_rpc'
net/homa/homa_rpc.h:443: warning: No description found for return value of 'homa_is_client'
New warnings added
< Error: Cannot open file net/homa/homa_rpc.c
< Error: Cannot open file net/homa/homa_rpc.h
> net/homa/homa_rpc.h:147: warning: Function parameter or struct member 'bpage_offsets' not described in 'homa_message_in'
> net/homa/homa_rpc.h:351: warning: Function parameter or struct member 'bucket' not described in 'homa_rpc'
> net/homa/homa_rpc.h:443: warning: No description found for return value of 'homa_is_client'
Per-file breakdown