WARNING: added, moved or deleted file(s), does MAINTAINERS need updating?
new file mode 100644

WARNING: line length of 93 exceeds 80 columns
#117: FILE: tools/testing/selftests/bpf/prog_tests/crib.c:81:
+	child_pid = clone(files_test_process, stack + stack_size, CLONE_VM | SIGCHLD, &args);

CHECK: extern prototypes should be avoided in .h files
#178: FILE: tools/testing/selftests/bpf/progs/crib_common.h:11:
+extern struct task_struct *bpf_task_from_vpid(s32 vpid) __ksym;

CHECK: extern prototypes should be avoided in .h files
#179: FILE: tools/testing/selftests/bpf/progs/crib_common.h:12:
+extern void bpf_task_release(struct task_struct *p) __ksym;

CHECK: extern prototypes should be avoided in .h files
#182: FILE: tools/testing/selftests/bpf/progs/crib_common.h:15:
+extern int bpf_iter_task_file_new(struct bpf_iter_task_file *it,

CHECK: Alignment should match open parenthesis
#183: FILE: tools/testing/selftests/bpf/progs/crib_common.h:16:
+extern int bpf_iter_task_file_new(struct bpf_iter_task_file *it,
+		struct task_struct *task) __ksym;

WARNING: line length of 82 exceeds 80 columns
#184: FILE: tools/testing/selftests/bpf/progs/crib_common.h:17:
+extern struct file *bpf_iter_task_file_next(struct bpf_iter_task_file *it) __ksym;

CHECK: extern prototypes should be avoided in .h files
#184: FILE: tools/testing/selftests/bpf/progs/crib_common.h:17:
+extern struct file *bpf_iter_task_file_next(struct bpf_iter_task_file *it) __ksym;

WARNING: line length of 81 exceeds 80 columns
#185: FILE: tools/testing/selftests/bpf/progs/crib_common.h:18:
+extern int bpf_iter_task_file_get_fd(struct bpf_iter_task_file *it__iter) __ksym;

CHECK: extern prototypes should be avoided in .h files
#185: FILE: tools/testing/selftests/bpf/progs/crib_common.h:18:
+extern int bpf_iter_task_file_get_fd(struct bpf_iter_task_file *it__iter) __ksym;

CHECK: extern prototypes should be avoided in .h files
#186: FILE: tools/testing/selftests/bpf/progs/crib_common.h:19:
+extern void bpf_iter_task_file_destroy(struct bpf_iter_task_file *it) __ksym;

CHECK: Comparison to NULL could be written "!task"
#308: FILE: tools/testing/selftests/bpf/progs/crib_files_success.c:22:
+	if (task == NULL) {

CHECK: Comparison to NULL could be written "!file"
#316: FILE: tools/testing/selftests/bpf/progs/crib_files_success.c:30:
+	if (file == NULL) {

CHECK: Comparison to NULL could be written "!file"
#328: FILE: tools/testing/selftests/bpf/progs/crib_files_success.c:42:
+	if (file == NULL) {

CHECK: Comparison to NULL could be written "!file"
#340: FILE: tools/testing/selftests/bpf/progs/crib_files_success.c:54:
+	if (file == NULL) {

CHECK: Comparison to NULL could be written "file"
#352: FILE: tools/testing/selftests/bpf/progs/crib_files_success.c:66:
+	if (file != NULL)

total: 0 errors, 4 warnings, 12 checks, 305 lines checked

NOTE: For some of the reported defects, checkpatch may be able to
      mechanically convert to the typical style using --fix or --fix-inplace.

Commit 9f190d7f6cd2 ("selftests/bpf: Add tests for open-coded style process file iterator") has style problems, please review.


NOTE: If any of the errors are false positives, please report
      them to the maintainer, see CHECKPATCH in MAINTAINERS.
total: 0 errors, 4 warnings, 12 checks, 305 lines checked