CHECK: Macro argument '_nest' may be better as '(_nest)' to avoid precedence issues WARNING: Macros with flow control statements should be avoided WARNING: Missing a blank line after declarations WARNING: Too many leading tabs - consider code refactoring WARNING: __always_unused or __maybe_unused is preferred over __attribute__((__unused__)) WARNING: line length of 100 exceeds 80 columns WARNING: line length of 81 exceeds 80 columns WARNING: line length of 85 exceeds 80 columns WARNING: line length of 87 exceeds 80 columns WARNING: line length of 88 exceeds 80 columns WARNING: line length of 91 exceeds 80 columns WARNING: line length of 93 exceeds 80 columns WARNING: line length of 94 exceeds 80 columns WARNING: line length of 95 exceeds 80 columns WARNING: line length of 96 exceeds 80 columns WARNING: line length of 97 exceeds 80 columns