WARNING: added, moved or deleted file(s), does MAINTAINERS need updating?
new file mode 100644

WARNING: EXPORT_SYMBOL(foo); should immediately follow its function/variable
#184: FILE: drivers/net/ethernet/intel/libeth/xdp.c:11:
+EXPORT_SYMBOL_NS_GPL(libeth_xdpsq_share, LIBETH_XDP);

CHECK: spinlock_t definition without comment
#1049: FILE: include/net/libeth/types.h:79:
+	spinlock_t			lock;

ERROR: Macros with multiple statements should be enclosed in a do - while loop
#1177: FILE: include/net/libeth/xdp.h:76:
+#define ___LIBETH_XDP_ONSTACK_BUFF(name, ...)				      \
+	_DEFINE_FLEX(struct libeth_xdp_buff, name, priv,		      \
+		     LIBETH_XDP_PRIV_SZ(__VA_ARGS__ + 0),		      \
+		     /* no init */);					      \

CHECK: Macro argument 'ue' may be better as '(ue)' to avoid precedence issues
#1783: FILE: include/net/libeth/xdp.h:682:
+#define __libeth_xdp_tx_fill_stats(sqe, desc, sinfo, ue, ud, us) do {	      \
+	const struct libeth_xdp_tx_desc *ud = (desc);			      \
+	const struct skb_shared_info *us;				      \
+	struct libeth_sqe *ue = (sqe);					      \
+									      \
+	ue->nr_frags = 1;						      \
+	ue->bytes = ud->len;						      \
+									      \
+	if (ud->flags & LIBETH_XDP_TX_MULTI) {				      \
+		us = (sinfo);						      \
+		ue->nr_frags += us->nr_frags;				      \
+		ue->bytes += us->xdp_frags_size;			      \
+	}								      \
+} while (0)

CHECK: Macro argument 'ud' may be better as '(ud)' to avoid precedence issues
#1783: FILE: include/net/libeth/xdp.h:682:
+#define __libeth_xdp_tx_fill_stats(sqe, desc, sinfo, ue, ud, us) do {	      \
+	const struct libeth_xdp_tx_desc *ud = (desc);			      \
+	const struct skb_shared_info *us;				      \
+	struct libeth_sqe *ue = (sqe);					      \
+									      \
+	ue->nr_frags = 1;						      \
+	ue->bytes = ud->len;						      \
+									      \
+	if (ud->flags & LIBETH_XDP_TX_MULTI) {				      \
+		us = (sinfo);						      \
+		ue->nr_frags += us->nr_frags;				      \
+		ue->bytes += us->xdp_frags_size;			      \
+	}								      \
+} while (0)

CHECK: Macro argument 'us' may be better as '(us)' to avoid precedence issues
#1783: FILE: include/net/libeth/xdp.h:682:
+#define __libeth_xdp_tx_fill_stats(sqe, desc, sinfo, ue, ud, us) do {	      \
+	const struct libeth_xdp_tx_desc *ud = (desc);			      \
+	const struct skb_shared_info *us;				      \
+	struct libeth_sqe *ue = (sqe);					      \
+									      \
+	ue->nr_frags = 1;						      \
+	ue->bytes = ud->len;						      \
+									      \
+	if (ud->flags & LIBETH_XDP_TX_MULTI) {				      \
+		us = (sinfo);						      \
+		ue->nr_frags += us->nr_frags;				      \
+		ue->bytes += us->xdp_frags_size;			      \
+	}								      \
+} while (0)

CHECK: spaces preferred around that '*' (ctx:WxO)
#1940: FILE: include/net/libeth/xdp.h:839:
+		 const struct xdp_frame *:				      \

ERROR: spaces required around that ':' (ctx:OxE)
#1940: FILE: include/net/libeth/xdp.h:839:
+		 const struct xdp_frame *:				      \

CHECK: spaces preferred around that '*' (ctx:WxO)
#1942: FILE: include/net/libeth/xdp.h:841:
+		 struct xdp_frame *:					      \

ERROR: spaces required around that ':' (ctx:OxE)
#1942: FILE: include/net/libeth/xdp.h:841:
+		 struct xdp_frame *:					      \

ERROR: Macros with multiple statements should be enclosed in a do - while loop
#2686: FILE: include/net/libeth/xdp.h:1585:
+#define LIBETH_XDP_DEFINE_START()					      \
+	__diag_push();							      \
+	__diag_ignore(GCC, 8, "-Wold-style-declaration",		      \
+		      "Allow specifying \'static\' after the return type")

WARNING: Macros with flow control statements should be avoided
#2723: FILE: include/net/libeth/xdp.h:1622:
+#define LIBETH_XDP_DEFINE_FLUSH_XMIT(name, prep, xmit)			      \
+bool name(struct libeth_xdp_tx_bulk *bq, u32 flags)			      \
+{									      \
+	return libeth_xdp_xmit_flush_bulk(bq, flags, prep, xmit);	      \

ERROR: Macros with complex values should be enclosed in parentheses
#2737: FILE: include/net/libeth/xdp.h:1636:
+#define __LIBETH_XDP_DEFINE_RUN_PROG(name, flush, pfx)			      \
+name(struct libeth_xdp_buff *xdp, struct libeth_xdp_tx_bulk *bq)	      \
+{									      \
+	return libeth_##pfx##_run_prog(xdp, bq, flush);			      \

ERROR: Macros with complex values should be enclosed in parentheses
#2752: FILE: include/net/libeth/xdp.h:1651:
+#define __LIBETH_XDP_DEFINE_RUN_PASS(name, run, populate, pfx)		      \
+name(struct libeth_xdp_buff *xdp, struct libeth_xdp_tx_bulk *bq,	      \
+     struct napi_struct *napi, struct libeth_rq_napi_stats *ss,		      \
+     const void *desc)							      \
+{									      \
+	return libeth_##pfx##_run_pass(xdp, bq, napi, ss, desc, run,	      \
+				       populate);			      \

WARNING: please, no spaces at the start of a line
#2754: FILE: include/net/libeth/xdp.h:1653:
+     struct napi_struct *napi, struct libeth_rq_napi_stats *ss,^I^I      \$

WARNING: please, no spaces at the start of a line
#2755: FILE: include/net/libeth/xdp.h:1654:
+     const void *desc)^I^I^I^I^I^I^I      \$

ERROR: Macros with multiple statements should be enclosed in a do - while loop
#2771: FILE: include/net/libeth/xdp.h:1670:
+#define __LIBETH_XDP_DEFINE_RUN(name, run, flush, populate, pfx)	      \
+	LIBETH_##pfx##_DEFINE_RUN_PROG(static run, flush);		      \
+	LIBETH_##pfx##_DEFINE_RUN_PASS(name, run, populate)

CHECK: Macro argument 'ud' may be better as '(ud)' to avoid precedence issues
#2956: FILE: include/net/libeth/xdp.h:1855:
+#define __libeth_xdp_set_features_noredir(dev, ud, ...) do {		      \
+	struct net_device *ud = (dev);					      \
+									      \
+	libeth_xdp_set_features(ud, ##__VA_ARGS__);			      \
+	libeth_xdp_set_redirect(ud, false);				      \
+} while (0)

CHECK: Alignment should match open parenthesis
#3574: FILE: include/net/libeth/xsk.h:603:
+	struct_group_tagged(libeth_xskfq_fp, fp,
+		struct xsk_buff_pool	*pool;

total: 7 errors, 5 warnings, 8 checks, 3549 lines checked

NOTE: For some of the reported defects, checkpatch may be able to
      mechanically convert to the typical style using --fix or --fix-inplace.

Commit 059d3f4dbe1e ("libeth: add a couple of XDP helpers (libeth_xdp)") has style problems, please review.


NOTE: If any of the errors are false positives, please report
      them to the maintainer, see CHECKPATCH in MAINTAINERS.